
BioRegionalism and Permaculture

Page history last edited by Brian G. Dowling 3 years, 10 months ago

Bioregional Design by Joe Brewer @cognitivepolicy


    • The Center for Applied Cultural Evolution was created to help communities guide their own social change efforts using integrated social science tools and frameworks. Our mission is to launch a series of Culture Design Labs around systemic challenges ranging from poverty and inequality to climate change and more.



    • "This article is meant to serve as a living document where I will curate reading materials on bioregional design and add new links as I discover new content. It is done in preparation for a workshop on bioregional design that I plan to give later this spring. "



    • "In a word, the future of humanity (if there is one) will need to be bioregional."



    • In the business world, there is an obsession with scaling. Investors repeatedly ask “How are you going to bring your idea to scale?” Environmentalists often ask a related question by seeking to change the minds of large audiences — by increasing awareness of ecological problems in the hope that this will lead to policy actions in the future.






    • What if each community had the vision and tools to directly restore and steward their watershed? We are a regional volunteer cooperative that works in communities to study, protect and restore ecosystems, cultivating social systems capable of stewardship.




    • "ESM combines the conceptual systems thinking behind zonation, bioregionalism and social planning, as a simple yet powerful matrix for integrated design where the macro provides a practical and realistic context for the details." "




    • Milkwood is dedicated to teaching and sharing permaculture skills, for living like it matters. Online, in-person, in print… whatever form it takes to get you inspired and making a better world, we want to help help you learn.




    •  "iLAND Criteria:  The purpose of the iLAND Criteria is to help projects to understand and implement best practice in permaculture demonstration and education, to help guide decision making for projects so that they can work towards creating an excellent centre. "




    • "IPEN is working to increase beneficial collaboration and cross-pollination in the development of permaculture education systems internationally.   To achieve this IPEN is building an international network and platform to enable permaculture education resources to be more easily shared, translated, accessed, enriched and adopted by a global teaching and learning audience. The aim is to expand and accelerate the growth and development of permaculture education on the ground for tutors, in national and regional permaculture education systems, and within demonstration projects that deliver permaculture education."




    • The Permaculture Research Institute (PRI) is located on a Permaculture demonstration site in The Channon NSW, and is headed by Geoff & Nadia Lawton. We specialize in education & training worldwide. We also provide daily Permaculture news and information via permaculturenews.org. The Permaculture Research Institute is a not-for-profit organisation, limited by guarantee.







Diigo TagspermacultureEarth Regenerationclimate changeecologysustainabilityconservation




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